Smiths Crossing Show
several years now, FCC and the Lemont Car Club have
joined forces to present a car display at Smiths
Crossing senior living center located just north of
I-80, between Rt. 45 and Wolf Rd. We collaborated on a
similar event at Cedar Hurst Center in Frankfort the
prior month.
as rain threatened several cruise night dates, the
forecast was sketchy for August 17th,
our appointed date. Tommy Doyle was 1st
to arrive along with the light drizzle that radar
indicated would be gone shortly. Chuck Lilly and Linda ,
then Larry Claypool pulled in about 10:30 under cloudy
skies. Chuck and Sharon Ravetto joined in about 15
minutes later along with 2 cars from the Lemont group.
Madame president Shelly completed the group, for a total
of 7 cars. A number of residents came out to view the
abbreviated display. Shelly’s Corvair sparked a few
longer conversations with a couple of residents that
were previous Corvair owners ‘back in day’. While it
never turned sunny and warm, the rain held off until
exactly at 1 pm, our published end time, at which point
the need to wash the cars was taken care of. None the
less, it was a satisfying display for some appreciative