Frankfort Car Club, Inc.
P.O. Box 15, Frankfort. IL 60423 2023 Event Photos - Frankfort Car Club
We Do Events All Year Long!! 2023 Frankfort Car Club Cruisin' Photos
Christmas Party 12/03/23
Cruise Night 09/25/23
Cruise Night 09/18/23
Frankfort Car Club PicNic 09/16/23
FCC at Frankfort Fest 09/03/23
FCC at Fly In 08/26/23
Smith's Crossing 08/19/23
Cruise Night 08/07/23
Cruise Night 07/31/23
Cruise Night 07/24/23
Photos Credit: If you are interested in professional photos, please contact:
Mark Schmudde
(815) 603-5723
Cruise Night 07/17/23
Cruise Night 07/10/23
Cruise Night 06/19/23
Cruise Night 06/12/23
2023 1st Cruise Night 06/05/23
Frankfort 60423 Celebration!
June 4th is not ordinarily a special day, but here in Frankfort it was a once in a lifetime opportunity for a Zip Code party! That Sunday happened to be 6/04/23 …get it? That’s the date and our zip code! So the town had a party downtown, and FCC was invited to show off our cars. The weather was perfect! As all the regular parking lots were full of everyday cars, we utilized the grass lot at Elwood & White streets as our ‘show lot’ for the event. Both member and non member guests displayed a wide range of vehicles that drew significant traffic from downtown spectators. It was a great kick off to our cruise season which began the next evening.
© 2023 Frankfort Car Club